American Civil Rights Project
The American Civil Rights Project knows that Americans’ civil rights are individual rights, equally held by all (regardless of whether those rights are understood as a positive enactment of centuries of ratifiers or as the common endowment of all children from nature and nature’s God). The ACR Project exists to protect and, where necessary, restore the primacy of all Americans’ shared civil rights. And we need your help!
Donate to Support Our Mission
The American Civil Rights Project, a public-interest law firm, seeks to assure that American law equally protects all Americans. The ACR Project needs your help to pay for its efforts seeking to accomplish that goal. The ACR Project is a tax-exempt public charity, under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, so all contributions to the ACR Project may be tax deductible under Section 170 of the Code.

Our Latest News
California Steps Back from the Ledge: ACR Project Convinces Governor Newsom to Veto SB 1050
California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that we warned would delegate wide-sweeping, binding power to an office that did not exist.
Racially Discriminatory Corporate Policies: Who’s Liable?
Laws banning discrimination have been on the books across America for more than a century and a half. Their prohibitions are among the most morally grounded, widely known, and widely supported in our law. Despite these facts, the last decade saw a cavalcade of corporations adopt policies that seemingly commit to violating these laws. While academics have spilled much ink considering whether such policies violate these laws, remarkably little attention has focused on whom they make liable for corporate violations. That omission masks a surprisingly under-appreciated near-consensus that American law makes individual decisionmakersliable for programmatic discrimination by the enterprises through which those decisionmakers discriminate. Officers and directors of major enterprises should bear this consensus in mind when considering the adoption, implementation, or retention of discriminatory policies.
ACR Project Files Amicus Brief with Sixth Circuit, Supporting Tennessee’s Challenge to Biden Administration’s Re-Writing of Title IX
When the Biden Administration released its rule re-writing Title IX, a host of states filed challenges to the legality of its proposed regulation. So far, more-than-half the states have gone [...]